Bio diesel Plant Setup In Xining City

820, October, 2008
Xining new bio diesel processing plant is a governmental project which attract foreign investment with total investment of 3,640,000 RMB. An annual output of 800 tons bio-diesel processing project started to establish in May 2008. On July 14, through environmental protection, safety inspection, industrial business, urban construction and other relevant examination and approval, part of the processing line has been started. The bio diesel processing plant is expected to deal with waste oil 960 tons per year after first item in full production.
It is known that biodiesel is a new type of environmentally-friendly fuel than fossil diesel oil featured low temperature engine start, lubrication, immiscible function, low emissions of sulfur dioxide, particulate emissions. The production and use of bio-diesel can reduce the cost and pressure of sewage treatment enterprises. In recent years, catering to the emission of waste oil from restaurants as raw materials, bio diesel processing plants have become a new economic growth points in most provinces. Previously, bio diesel plant is blank in Xining province. Xining new bio diesel plant will be catering waste oil from all the units as raw materials to produce bio-diesel mainly and industrial by-products glycerin, with entire production process closed.
The biodiesel processing equipments provided by our company include reactor, oil separator and expeller presses for raw oil extraction from other vegetable plants. We have full capacity to produce the main biodiesel processing equipments. Now, the key technology still need further study in China.

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