Why Choose Wood and Biomass Pellet Machines?

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The advantage of Wood and Biomass Pellets has led to rising popularity in the market of wood and biomass pellet making machine.

pellet press

Wood and Biomass Pellet Price: 
Wood and biomass pellet fuel produced by wood pellet machine and biomass pellet machine, as an alternative for fossil fuels, has a more competitive and stable pricing than does kerosene and natural gas in many countries. Supported by the green tax policy, wood pellet fuel is encouraged to be used as a countermeasure against global warming, energy security and rise of oil prices. Wood pellet machine and biomass pellet machine have been proved to have a good effect. As the data shows in the following table, you can understand this point very clearly.

Table 1: Below data shows the comparison on home heating fuels, the values shown are international averages on 2011-1.

Item Cost Application Efficiency Cost per Million BTU
Pellets 190USD/Ton 80% 14.48
Fuel Oil # 2 3.58USD/Gallon 78% 33.25
Electricity 0.12USD/KWH 100% 35.16
Natural Gas 1.39USD/Therm 78% 17.38
LP Gas / Propane 2.83USD/ Gallon 78% 39.72
Hardwood(Air dried ) 200USD/Cord 60% 16.66
Coal 250USD/Ton 75% 10.89

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